DK-UP-14168 DIN rail kit with 2 plates for smart switch (89 x 19 mm), 6 screws (FMS M3 x 5 mm) for the UPort 1400 (V1.5.0 and after) and 1600-8 (V1.4.
Кабели,конвертеры и разветвители, DK-UP-14168 DIN rail kit with 2 plates for smart switch (89 x 19 mm), 6 screws (FMS M3 x 5 mm) for the UPort 1400 (V1.5.0 and after) and 1600-8 (V1.4., p/n 00-06140165, цена 5 174,70 руб., ПОС-ККМ, тел. +7(499)3907767,,